2020-2021 Birthday Book Club information is TBD.

Birthday Book Club

How would you like to participate in a unique way to honor your child’s birthday? The Running Springs Elementary School BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB is a great way to celebrate an important day for your child.

During the month of your child’s birthday, a book, consistent with OUSD library standards, will be selected by the school and dedicated to your child! A Birthday Book Club label with your child’s name will be placed on the inside cover of the book and will then be donated to the Running Springs Library. Your child will be the first to check out the book and will be presented with a certificate of recognition. As a final tribute to their special day, your child’s name will be displayed in a designated area in the library.

If you would like to participate, please return this form with your payment of $15.00 to your teacher by Friday, September 13, 2019.

Please make checks payable to Running Springs PTA.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but due to purchasing deadlines orders cannot be accepted after September 13th. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.